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A safe space for healing,
treatments, or messages
Welcome, you’ve found your way here for a reason. Allow me to assist you as we find the safe space you need for healing, treatments, or messages.
Your search for better health, wellbeing and spiritual connection can be found here.
As a qualified Counsellor, Reiki and Auric Magnetic healer I have a good grounding in many traditional and alternative treatments. My natural intuition and connection to Spirit helps me deliver healing at a deeper level offering you new pathways to explore as you journey through life.
There are many reasons people reach out for my services. Without judgement, I will receive you in your moment of need and assist you with warmth and caring to meet your particular requirements.
Many years of working between the Spirit Realm, and those seeking healing has refined my skills so that I am attuned to listening for signs and direction to aid my client’s wellness and support. Messages from those who have passed over bring great comfort to those grieving the loss of loved ones.
Your need for treatment and healing can be met in your time and place of need. I can offer many healing treatments by Skype or by phone. My connection with Spirit allows me to detect messages and energy without being limited by space and time. I am able to transmit healing energy without a requirement for you to be physically present for healing treatment.
”My sense of being "off course" and feelings of stuck-ness have been re-routed and I find myself grounded and completely at peace. My energy levels raised almost instantly, propelling me into action that continued throughout the day, and is still present... Thank you.